plant and process ventilation câu
EPS, body temp, ventilation rates are all elevated.Hoạt động não, nhiệt độ cơ thể, nhịp thở đều tăng. Without the power on, there's no...

in plant
In plant sources, it is known as beta-carotene.Trong các nguồn thực vật, nó được gọi là beta-carotene . Some possibilities of conducti...

I grew up in a family where plant husbandry was kind of a thing.Tôi lớn lên trong một gia đình trồng trọt nhiều loại Professor Scott, ...

So Jonah was exceeding glad of the gourd [i.e. of the vine, of the plant].Ngöôøi saùng suoát nhö coâ thì khoâng phaûi noùi nhieàu. Plan...

additional ventilation
Salvation from the heat will be the system of additional ventilation and special awnings.Sự cứu rỗi từ sức nóng sẽ là hệ thống thông gi...

air ventilation
Does it have the proper air ventilation and temperature control?Nó có thông gió và kiểm soát nhiệt độ phù hợp không? Building codes re...

artificial ventilation
They also should discuss their wishes regarding artificial ventilation with their families and providers.Họ cũng nên thảo luận về mong ...

automatic ventilation
Automatic ventilation systems are more costly, but they save time and reduce the chances of excessive cooling or heating.Hệ thống thông...

combined ventilation
Note: When assessing the overall requirement, the combined ventilation system for the entire household must be taken into consideration...

controlled ventilation
One technique to reduce energy consumption while maintaining adequate air quality, is demand controlled ventilation.Một kỹ thuật làm gi...

crankcase ventilation
8, replace the oil in the oil pan, check whether the crankcase ventilation pipe is in good condition, clean the oil filter and the dies...

Cross-ventilation is achieved through a series of colourful windows located on each side of the container.Qua thông gió đạt được thông ...

exhaust ventilation
A large room is equipped with exhaust ventilation, which may be the simplest.Một căn phòng lớn được trang bị hệ thống thông gió khí thả...

fan ventilation
Fan ventilation can use from 0.5 to 1 kilowatt hour/sq ft/year.Quạt thông gió có thể sử dụng 0,5-1 kWh / sq ft / năm .

fire ventilation
Fire ventilation.Quạt thông gió. In the event of a fire, ventilation is used to keep smoke out of the service tunnel and move smoke in...

forced ventilation
"Mechanical" or "forced" ventilation is used to control indoor air quality.Thông gió "cơ khí" hay "bắt buộc" được sử dụng để kiểm soát ...

general ventilation
Good general ventilation (typically 10 air changes per hour) should be used.Cho em hỏi cụm process enclosures nên dịch là gì ạ: Good ge...

insufficient ventilation
38: In case of insufficient ventilation, wear suitable respiratory equipmentBẢO VỆ HÔ HẤP: Trong trường hợp thiếu thông gió: mang thiết...

local ventilation
Laboratory fume hood is most commonly used as a local ventilation equipment, a wide range, because of their different structures, diffe...

mechanical ventilation
Karen Ann Quinlan lived for nine years... after cessation of mechanical ventilation.Karen Quinlan sống được 9 năm... sau khi ngưng thở ...

mine ventilation
The book included suggestions for mine ventilation and worker protection, discussed mining accidents, and described diseases associated...

natural ventilation
They provide natural ventilation, but there are no drafts.Họ cung cấp thông gió tự nhiên, nhưng không có dự thảo. In low-wind conditio...

roof ventilation
Provides effective roof ventilation, usually fixed.Cung cấp thông gió mái nhà hiệu quả, thường cố định.

room ventilation
ventilation .. | adjacent room not |Khuyết điểm: No room Ventilation. Acetaminophen, or paracetamol: Together with cool sponge baths, c...

system of ventilation
The room should be well-organized system of ventilation.Phòng nên có một hệ thống thông gió được tổ chức tốt. In the buildings of the ...